Hi everybody!
awesome to have you here, watching our blog! To let YOU know who we are, we are all going to introduce ourselves with a tiny text and a streetbeat picture, with our shoes offcourse!
Well guess i'm going to be the first introducing myself, i'm Florine van Rees, a first year fashion student on the Willem de Kooning academie of art in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I'm really into the streetfashion and i love to check al the different types of streetstyle, combinated with personal things, and shoes offcourse! Besides doin al kinds of creative stuff i love to dance and playing tennis. Offcorse i'm also a fan of hanging out with my friends, going to clubs and festivals or having a nice chill-evening on the couch with a movie and loads of food!
I hope that you like our blog about "shoes" and get inspiration by seeing our pictures and reading our textes! ENJOY! X Florine
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